If you have a small child that is of age to begin seeing a dentist for routine checkups and teeth cleanings, you may be a bit apprehensive of what the session will be like for them. If they are not used to socializing as of yet, going to the dentist can be a little frightening. They may not understand what is to come, and may start crying or clinging to you instead of getting into the dentist's chair. Here are some guidelines to use when deciding it is time for that first visit. They may help ease your child into the idea that the dentist can be fun!
Call To Make An Advance Appointment
You will want to see if the dentist would be available to meet with you on a day before the teeth cleaning. If they are too busy, then you may want to consider switching to another practice. A good dentist will make time for their patients, and this is every bit as important as a cleaning.
Bring your child to the practice to meet the receptionist, the hygienists and the dentist. If you introduce your child to each person that they will have contact with on the day of the cleaning, they will feel more at ease since everyone is already familiar to them.
Go Into The Teeth Cleaning Room
Have your child take a look at a standard room where teeth cleanings take places. Have them sit in the dentist chair and show them how it goes up and down. Show them how the water comes out of the sink for them to rinse their teeth during cleanings. Praise your child for going to the visit without incident.
Talk Up The Appointment
After you had your visit, make sure to mention that the cleaning will be happening soon. Have your child get excited about going to the appointment. Perhaps having them mark off the days on a calendar with stickers of teeth could help them get excited about the idea that their real appointment is almost here.
Make sure to tell people who you have contact with along with your child, that you will be taking them to see the dentist soon. Your child will be happy to be the center of attention and it may make them even more excited about the appointment to come. Answering questions about going to the dentist can help build them up for the big day, as well.
For more information, contact a local dentist, like Gina Collins Mancini, DMD.