Understanding Lasik Eye Surgery

If you wear corrective lenses, you may be a candidate for Lasik eye surgery. Lasik surgery is a good option because it allows you to have your vision permanently corrected and takes away the need for you to wear glasses or contacts. If you are considering Lasik surgery then you want to have a clear understanding of what to expect. This article will explain the process and recovery period to you.

How Lasik eye surgery is performed

Lasik eye surgery is done by reshaping your cornea with the assistance of a laser. You will be given eye drops to completely numb your eyes so you won't feel anything. If you are nervous about the procedure, you may also be given a mild sedative to help you relax.

The top layer of your cornea will be pulled back so your cornea is exposed. Some of the cornea will be shaved off and this is what will give you the correct shaping. The top flap will then be put back in place where it will heal on its own without the need for stitches.

The reason for reshaping the cornea is to give you clearer vision by allowing light to be correctly focused on your retina, which offers you better vision. While the thought of having surgery performed on your eyes may be bothersome, the process is painless and will take less than a half an hour for both eyes.

The type of reshaping done on your eyes will depend on the problem you have. If you are farsighted, the goal will be to provide you with a steeper cornea. If you are nearsighted, the goal will be to give you a flatter cornea.

What to expect after surgery

Once the surgery is complete you will rest in the office for a bit and then be given an exam. Once the post-op exam has been completed and you have received your post-care instructions then you can go home. You will need to have someone to drive you home.

The first day after your Lasik surgery, you can expect your eyesight to be fuzzy. Don't worry, this is not an indication that the surgery didn't work. You should notice a significant improvement in your eyesight the following morning with continued improvement over the next few days.

Focus on taking it easy for the first week after surgery and go back in to make sure your vision is now good enough without correction to begin driving again.  You should also get permission from your optometrist before you go back to doing any strenuous activity. Lasik eye surgery can be a great alternative to corrective lenses.

To learn more, contact a ophthalmologist like Jo Johnson, M.D.
