Cryotherapy Treatment In Sports Medicine: Is It For You?

You ice your elbow after playing tennis, and you grab that cold pack for your muscles after jogging. But, have you considered cryotherapy? That's right, cryotherapy treatment in the case of sports injuries is actually a scientific (and not science fiction) option. Before you run out and jump into a pool of ice, check out the how's, when's and why's of this chilly therapy.

How Does It Work?

Whole body cryotherapy in a medical or healthcare office lowers your body temperature. For a full-body treatment, you step into a cold sauna (minus your clothes). This isn't just a kind of cool sauna, but one that dips down to somewhere around negative 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't worry, you'll only be in the cold sauna for a few minutes. The blood moves from your skin and outer extremities (such as your fingers and toes) to the vital internal organs. It's thought that this quick freeze rejuvenates the body and helps to heal muscles (or at least, makes them less sore).

When Should You Try Cryotherapy?

This whole body treatment is used directly after injuring a muscle, while you're healing (as an ongoing treatment) or just about any time. When it comes to sports injuries, think of this as icing gone to the extreme. That said, you don't necessarily have to jump into the cryo-sauna immediately after you pull a muscle or have another strain. While it can help to alleviate some of the soreness you feel after a strenuous workout, it may also have ongoing pain reducing effects.

Why Use This Treatment?

Most simply stated, because you want to feel better. From basic muscle fatigue to a more serious injury, this therapy can be used as part of an overall treatment plan. Aside from the effects, cryotherapy is also a medicine-free way to reduce pain. Some patients don't like the idea of taking pills or getting injections just to feel better. This whole body treatment may make you feel better, without prescription help.

Not everyone who uses whole body cryotherapy has a persistent injury. Some people who use this treatment choose to try it for the rejuvenating properties (such as looking or feeling younger). There is also some evidence that it may help to reduce weight. But, there is no conclusive proof that it will make you thinner (you'll need a healthy diet and plenty of exercise for that).

Cryotherapy treatment in sports injuries is a fairly common practice. If you have an injury that won't go away or gives you constant problems, whole body treatments may ease those sore muscles and make you feel better – minus any medication. Talk with a company like Ice Cryo for more information.
