How A Primary Care Physician Can Save You Money

Not only is having your own primary care physician (PCP) convenient, but it can also save you money. Here are a few reasons why:

A primary care physician often has a low copayment associated with his or her services.

Many insurance companies require their customers to select a primary care physician. This particular doctor provides most of the patient's medical care. Different types of medical treatment, such as lab work, urgent care and PCP office visits may be associated with different copayment amounts. A visit to your primary care physician usually has a much lower copayment than services received by specialists and other providers.

With a primary care physician, you're likely to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

Since a primary care physician sees you on a regular basis, the physician is aware of your current and past medical conditions. In addition, he or she will have observed any changes that have occurred in your body over time. This can make it much easier for the doctor to diagnose your symptoms correctly. Unlike a physician who sees you for the first time, a primary care doctor has a wealth of information concerning your physical health to use when making a diagnostic determination.

How does a proper diagnosis save you money? When you are inaccurately diagnosed, you may spend large amounts of money on treatments and medications that make little to no change in your condition. In some instances, an inaccurate diagnosis can result in your symptoms becoming worse and requiring more extensive corrective treatments.

Having a primary physician can help keep you out of the emergency room.

If you have a primary care physician, you're likely to contact your doctor's office when you start to experience severe discomfort or other alarming symptoms. However, without having your own personal doctor, you may be tempted to turn to the emergency room for answers.

Emergency room care is usually much more expensive than a primary care physician's visit, even if your diagnosis is not considered serious.

A primary care physician can save you money when you visit a specialist.

Some insurance companies require a referral from a primary care physician in order to pay for the services that you receive from a specialist. Without the insurance payment, you can be left with a hefty medical bill.

To learn more ways that a primary care physician can save you money, contact the office of a primary care physician in your local area.
