Care Tips For Fussy Newborns

Every baby is different. Some babies are very quiet, barely uttering a peep no matter what happens. Other babies are far fussier. They may cry more often or more easily. For the most part, you care for a fussy baby the same way that you would care for a quiet baby. You feed them regularly, change their diapers often, and take them to the pediatrician for all of their regular checkups. There are, however, a few specific care tips you can employ with a fussy baby.

Keep your baby swaddled.

Many fussy babies feel more safe and secure when they are swaddled. An easy way to swaddle is to first lay your baby down on an open blanket, with their face facing upward. Fold the right corner of the blanket over the baby, tucking it under their left side. Then, fold the left corner of the blanket over the baby, tucking it under their right side. The blanket should be snug; it should help your fussy baby feel comforted.

Ask your pediatrician about food sensitivities.

There is a chance that your baby is fussy because they are reacting negatively to something in their milk or formula. If you are feeding formula, ask your pediatrician to recommend a formula for sensitive stomachs. If you are breastfeeding, ask your doctor which foods you should avoid eating in order to avoid passing them through in your milk. Generally, nursing mothers should avoid eating spicy foods, onions, and caffeine. Eliminating these from your diet is a good way to provide better care for a fussy baby.

Take their temperature more often.

Some babies are just fussy, but sometimes fussiness also indicates an underlying illness. They just cannot tell you when something is wrong. When your baby is feeling extra fussy, take their temperature. Under the arm, you should get a temperature at around 97 degrees F. Rectally, you should get a temperature under 100.2 degrees F. If your baby's temperature is higher than this, contact their physician. 

Play calming sounds.

Often, playing calming sounds and calming music can help keep a fussy baby happy and quiet. Find a way to play the sound of quiet rain, peaceful music, or relaxing bird sounds. This can also help keep you calm, and some babies tend to be less fussy when their caretakers are also calm.

If you practice the care tips above, your newborn baby should become less fussy. Do not hesitate to contact your pediatrician if your baby has a fever, you suspect something more is wrong, or you need some more advice. Contact a newborn health care service for more information. 
