Eight Reasons To See A Physical Therapist

Many people don't know when they should visit a physical therapist. Here are eight times you should consider making an appointment.  1. Medication isn't helping. If you are taking pain relievers regularly and they are no longer keeping your pain under control, it is time to go to the doctor. Normal aches and pains from exercise will usually respond so there might be something more serious going on. 2. Rest doesn't help.

Getting Rid Of Sinusitis

Sinusitis sounds pretty tame.  Some people believe it is a mild case of stuffiness that a decongestant can cure. For the 31 million Americans who suffer with from this disease, it is far from a trivial matter. In fact, they spend one billion dollars each year for over-the-counter medication to fight the condition. If you suffer from acute or chronic sinusitis, you should consider exploring a different treatment. Sinuses You actually have four sets of sinuses: Maxillary, frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid, located in the cheekbones, the forehead, between the eyes, and behind the nasal cavity, respectively.

C-Arm Maintenance: A Disinfectant Wipe-Down Is Not Enough

The work that C-Arms handle is messy. After a day's work, disinfecting them is usually necessary. Using a regular disinfectant to do this is usually enough to get rid of any blood spatter, traces of contrast dyes, urine and most of the dirt that a C-Arm usually comes in contact with. This is usually enough to make a C-Arm look clean. However, it is rarely enough. Why? Because this wipe-down is only a skin-deep cleaning measure.

4 Tips For Surviving Chemotherapy

If you are about to start chemotherapy then you are probably wondering what you should and should not do while you are going through the process. Going through chemotherapy can be extremely difficult and it is best to be as prepared as you can. Being prepared will help you to avoid any major surprises which can make chemotherapy more stressful: Do Not Eat Raw Fish And Vegetables While you are on chemotherapy, your body's ability to fight bacteria will be decreased.

4 Ways To Take Control Of Your Neck And Back Pain

No one wants to deal with constant pain in their neck or back. Regardless of whether your pain stems from your work environment or your home life, you need to come up with a solution for treating it and being able to go about your life pain-free. While some methods for relieving back pain are more common than others, there are a few that you might not have thought about in the past.